Ever Ancient, Ever New
March 21, 2016 "Music in the liturgy takes on the role of a sacramental," says composer Frank La Rocca in this CWR interview, "it must...

Catholic Arts Today Interview
The story behind the Mass of the Americas: an 'Ave Maria' in Nahuatl?

St. Rita, Patroness of the Impossible
SYNOPSIS of the Oratorio A Rose in Winter unfolds in two parallel stories: that of Saint Rita of Cascia, set in 15th century Italy, and a...

High Above the Stars
May 2016 • Major Choral Event In Dallas! published 18 January 2016 by Dr. Alfred Calabrese THIS EXCITING NEW major work by composer Frank...

The Saint I Didn't Know
It is not often that, after 40 years in a career of any kind, one finds entirely new vistas beckoning. But such has been the experience...